Mother's Day Muse: Natalie Decorte

Natalie started her career as a ballerina before moving on to modelling. She’s now a busy mama of four and is the editor-in-chief of digital magazine The Polo Project.

Take a glimpse into Nat Decorte's world, as she shares her thoughts on motherhood and what she has planned for Mothers Day this year... 

B&K: What does motherhood mean to you?

ND:Trying your absolute best to bring up the next generation of kind and happy people!

B&K: How has motherhood changed the way you view the world?

ND: It hasn’t really, I guess what I have noticed is that adults that behave badly are often just acting like children. Witnessing human nature in its raw form is fascinating. In the end kids much prefer the feelings that sharing and kindness brings, as opposed to fighting and greed, so there is hope for the world!  

B&K: What have you learnt since becoming a mother?

ND: Self care is paramount! This is a work in progress for me. Currently struck down with shingles after the school holidays! It’s absolutely necessary to take some time out from your kids when you can. 

B&K: How are you and your family spending Mother’s Day this year? 

ND: Hopefully its starts off with a breakfast in bed, followed by a casual lunch with my mum and grandma. Food and family are my favourite things. 

Discover Nat's look online .

Instagram: @natdecorte


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